Step by step installation & setting guide for Sbcscript

 This post will guide you to install 'SbCScript' (created by myself) & further setting.If you not yet download 'SbCSctipt' you can find the download link on my this blog post.

About SBCScript
 From the help of SBCScript you can start a new site having features faucet,Offerwal, lottery system etc.You can use this script for start any currency or cryptocurrency supported site such as USD,INR,GBP,BTC,DOGE,ETH etc.Script is written in simple php code language so any programer can add new feature easily.

 Here i've shared my referral links for different sites. so please use these link to create your new account on these sites because this is only way I'll get support from you for my hard work on creating the script.Doing this, you'll loss nothing but I get some things.
 (* Must required)
Adfly Account*  ,  Wannads Account*  ,  FaucetPay Account  or  WalCrypt Account  or  Both*  ,  Google recaptcha*  ,  Solvemedia captcha  ,  Rain captcha  ,  h-captcha  ,  Iphub
 Other services such as shortlink service, contact service etc of your choice.

 Create a new Database.Extract file and Upload file to public_html folder of file manager and extract.Now open file config/Database.php and edit line 3,4 and 5. Replace database_name from host database name, database_username from database username and database_password from database password.
 Edit lines 25,26 and 27. replace site_url from your site URL (without start with http(s):// and end with '/' i.e. if you site URL is then write site_url with , replace admin_username with your secret username for admin and replace admin_password with secret admin password.
 To make admin area secure, in file manager rename admin folder name with secret word such as ad_min or ad_mi_n or any secret word.
Import sbcscript.sql file to database.

 Now login in your admin area-
1:->  Open Content Management:
(a) Site name : Write The site name

(b) Site short description : Write Short description about your site (almost 160 words long)

(c) Site long description : Write Long description about the site

(d) Site Keywords: site Keywords such as Faucet,Offerwal, lottery, Bitcoins etc

(e) Faucet claim reward : Normally in Satoshi (such as 10 or 20 or 25 etc) or Cent (0.1 or 1 or 10 etc) .This depends on your management

(f) Referral Commission in % : Write referral commission only in digit such as if you write 10 it's mean referral commission is 10%

(g) Number of claim limit in 24 hour: Number of faucet claim for a single user in 24 hour

(h) Time difference between two respective claim: This is time difference between two respective of faucet.It'll be in minutes.for example if you write 20 it's mean the time difference is of 20 minutes

(i) Minimum Cashout: The minimum cashout in satoshis or cent or USD

(j) Reward Name: Name of Reward currency such as 'satoshis of BTC' or Cent or USD etc

(k) Adfly userid : You can find this on your adfly user account

(l) Adfly apikey : You can find this on your adfly user account

(m) Per ticket value: it is value of 1 ticket for lottery jackpot.if your site pay in satoshis and you want 5 Satoshis per lottery ticket then fill 5 in the field

 To find Adfly userid and apikey login to adfly account and click tools menu and select API you'll find userid and apikey.

2:-> Open Template manager and set difference type ads (popup, banner etc) and actual dimensions (300×250 , 160×600)

3:-> Open Captcha manager set Captcha of your choice.Google recaptcha is required because it'll use on register, login etc while other captcha services are optional used in faucet claim

4:-> Open lottery system management
 If you want run lottery draw in this new site click the 'enable lottery system'.After enabling lottery system you'll found an other option for reward lottery ticket on doing Offerwal.If you want to reward 1 lottery ticket on doing at least a minimum amount of Offerwal for promote Offerwal, enable this option and write the amount of minimum Offerwal.

To run lottery draw system on daily or weekly or monthly basis you have set a Cron job.First in file manager rename folder name 'lottery' from your choice secret word.suppose you have rename it you have to set Cron job for file lott_ery/lottery_draw.php

5:-> Open User management
 Here you can add new user or delete or suspend any site member(s).

6:-> Open Offerwal management
 Here you can active or inactive Offerwal (Wannads Offerwal) service for your site.

 Before active this service for your site,you have to create a new app at Wannads and rename passback folder name with secure word.suppose you have rename the folder name with pass_back words.
Now login to Wannads account and in menu tag click 'create app' or click here to go the page.

 Here you have to fill the data for create an app.
 In Basic information, the first field you have to write your app name.The name can be any word of your choice such as Faucet or offer or any choice name.
 In the next field you have to write app URL i.e. your site URL such as
 In the next field you have to select App choose 'Custom web'.
 In the next field you have to upload logo of your app .this is optional you may live this.

In Configuration,the first field you have to write currency name.This is your site local currency.If you want to pay in Satoshi for Offerwal like as faucet claim, write here Satoshis and if you want to pay in cent for Offerwal write Cent here.
 In the next field you to write currency value for $1.00 . Suppose a user of your site completed $1.00 offer then your Wannads account will be credit from $1.00. Now if you want to pay the user $0.50 for the completed the offer and your site pay in Cent of USD then you have to pay 50Cent to the user.So in the currency value field write 50 and if your site pay in satoshis of BTC then first convert $0.50 to Satoshis of BTC and then write the converted value in currency value field.You can find the rate (1USD to Satoshis of BTC) in admin homepage.Suppose 1 USD = 10000 Satoshi of BTC then 0.50 USD = 0.50 × 10000 = 5000 Satoshis of BTC .So you to write 5000 in currency value.

In postback,you have to write postback URL of your site.
 Above In file manager you have rename passback folder name to pass_back so your site( postback URL will be

Now save the app and wait for may take some days.

7:-> Open shortlink management:
 Here you can manage shortlink service.To add shortlink of a site,you need two things URL of site (without https:// or http://) and apikey.
 Suppose you want to add shortlink of site with your apikey for the site 13345abcde then you have to write www.example,com in URL field and 12345abcde in apikey field.
 Now after add different shortlinks service you have to priority rank these shortlinks service according your choice.
 Suppose you have added 3 shortlinks service A,B,C and you to priority  ranks these shortlinks service.Now suppose you want shortlink B should be use in firstly, shortlink A secondly and shortlink C thirdly then you have to update priority rank from 0 to 1 of shortlink B ,0 to 2 shortlink A and 0 to 3 shortlink C.Similar way you can set priority rank for more added shortlinks service.
Important note:->
* Don't leave priority rank 0 for any shortlink service otherwise it'll ignored on using.
* On leaving 0 priority rank for a shortlink service,it'll misbehave on using other shortlinks service.
* On delete any already added shortlink,the priority rank of others shortlinks will become 0 auto.So you have to again update priority rank of shortlinks.
* To change priority rank of different shortlinks,first update priority rank to 0 then update new priority rank.

6:-> In Faucet active inactive sections you can make active or inactive your site.

7'-> In black IP user sections you can add or delete black(bed) IP user.

8:-> In white IP user sections you can add or delete white(good) IP user.

9:-> Open user payment management
 Here you can manage users requested payments.
 Pending payment chart show you've to pay the user and after paid the user click the confirm button.
 In send payment form you to filled the required data.In the form first you have to choose payment service site After then filled your apikey for the site and then the userid (payment requester id for the site) next amount and atlast the currency such as BTC' or ETh etc.
 Please click confirm button after in pending payment sections after making the payment.

10:-> In Claim Static you can see different type claims (faucet claim, Offerwal claim etc) from different users.

11:-> In set payment page you can add new payment site having paying call same as Faucetpay or Walcrypt. After adding this you've to edit some file in admin area with help of New_payment_way_add_code.txt in admin folder or go to your_site_url/admin/New_payment_way_add_code.txt. You can also delete a payment site from here.

12:-> In Payment static you can see static of your send payments.

13:-> In FAQs management page you can manage FAQs related the site.

14:-> In News management you can send latest news of your site.

 Comment below your new created site for promote here...